The Role of a tutor
Today Tutors play a very important role in every student’s life. The main reason is that in school or college the teacher can’t pay attention on a single pupil or a student.
Therefore the private home tuition helps students to understand the subject matter easily and the teacher can also understand the pupil weaknesses and strengths so they can teach him and improve its skills.
Many schools debate that there is no need of a tuition after school. But it’s not so true because in this economy and technology world many parents who are working do not get much time to look into the studies and to teach their children at home. So the Private tuition are a good way of enabling the child to learn under the supervision of a teacher who can concentrate on a single pupil.
Private tuitions not only save time for both the child and the parent but it also helps the parent to be fully aware of the child’s learning status. The private tuition can easily be in better touch with the parent and can give the educational status and development report of the child. Here at Learning Aid, we believe that advantages are good and they benefit you.
Students do not able to grab the things in the schools as the environment in class create disturbance and the subject covered in schools are not sufficient. So the students should get special attention to understand the subject which are taught in the schools and colleges.
As no two pupils are same or alike. All will be having different strengths and abilities in understanding the subject. Some students will be good at languages, some will be good at maths and some will be good at science. So Private tuition will make a student to understand all subjects clearly.
As competition between the students has been increased in all fields so to compete with others each and every one should need the correct way to study so for this Private tuitions plays a very important role.
Tuition has become more compulsory not only for academic performance but for an adequate learnings of social skills, empathy and openness to the world.
At Learning Aid which is situated in Singapore, Hougang, Kovan and Serangoon districts, we will teach English and math for primary pupils.
The benefits that provide Learning Aid private tuition are huge. You will have the advantage of a whole teacher to yourself, with their lesson plans just for you.
The lesson plans will be designed to fit the average pupil and we will teach in the way that will be suitable for your child. We gauge the level of the pupils understanding and more importantly we come to know the sources of misunderstanding and deal with them effectively.
Away from the daily challenge of school, kids are able to learn concepts, ideas, the logic and structure of skillsets and they will notice their own challenge.
The main advantages of what we provide are listed below:
1) Positive work Environment
2) Increase Self Confidence
3) Improved Test & Exam
4) Peace of Mind for Parents
5) Freedom to Ask Questions
6) Promotes Responsibility
7) Continuous Feedback
Why Learning Aid:
Learning Aid Private and Home Tuition offers a very wide range of services in the concerned subjects. We can arrange tuitions for English, Math and so on. With this institute you can get tuitions at a specific time for a specific subject so that your son/daughter can improve in the subjects in which they are weak earlier. If you want a good and assured results is to contact us. We are having experts in their respective fields and who are ready to share and teach.