How to make math exam a success? See how with Chantel 92/100 at Primary 5 exams

How to make math exam a success?

How can we become a successful math performer? Math exam and success, are they compatible? We have been working hard with Chantel. This hard labor has paid off. She exceeded and scored 92/100 in maths. Great job!

Success, success, success!

When she began her journey at LearningAid, Chantel was already a great student with a respectable score of 70/100. Don’t get me wrong, the goal is not to nurture competition against others, yet a competition to improve oneself.

Chantel is a little girl aged of 12 and has been struggling with academics. She nevertheless managed to overcome the class difficulties and looking forward she worked hard, always keeping good humor and positivity.

math exam successmath exam success

The recipe of a math exam success are multiple:

  • A great stamina to follow instruction and execute timely.
  • Ability to learn mathematics by doing and repeat exercises while finding various solutions to resolve a problem
  • Always understand the “why” and the “how” of a math problem. For each problem, there is one or several solutions
  • and eventually, make mistakes, fail fast and repeat until we understand the math problem statement

Mathematics is the funniest discipline if we take it as a game, a brain game to challenge your understanding and logic.

to succeed in math: read this

Now we need to figure out how we can build and create a logic of learning discipline following these stages:

  • Your age doesn’t matter.
  • Your educational background is redundant.
  • Whatever mathematical goals you have, you can accomplish them!

It is daunting to find the relevant platforms at each stage of your curriculum.


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